diligent small girl drawing on paper in light living room at home

If help, be it education!

Shining eyes, beautiful heart, there she was,

With skin muddy and dress tidy walking towards me,

Pit in her stomach and dirt in her nails,

Yet all I could see was those shining eyes,

With will and wish in her, she asked me something,

I could have given her what she needed,

I could have even given hunger a small pause,

But what I thought was to give her better,

Too her somewhere that was close to my heart,

A place which nurtured and made me strong,

Place filled with people, love, empathy, and strength,

She held my hand tight and said I am afraid,

I showed her one woman with a wide smile,

That woman opened her hands for this girl,

Come here! We are all here for each other, together,

See, this is your class and here is your uniform,

That was the moment, my soul relaxed,

She was happy and those shining eyes started crying,

I could happily rest in peace now, 100th girl to join our school,

Nothing is a bigger work than educating someone,

Giving them a platform to stand for themselves,

To walk fearless and wear a sense of dignity,

Dignity of not money but of the power to live,

To chose a life they have always dreamt of,

From the life I have lived and people I walked through,

It is you who can make your life beautiful,

Charity be a thing with a word substituted as help,

Will I walk in right lane, money and food won’t decide,

Right education can sculpt a persons’ life,

The shape it never seen, the shape of heights,

To the hall of less misery, the hall of future,

Education is much more than what it looks,

A beautiful energy that builds you high,

A drive that takes to the heights of sky.

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